20 research outputs found

    Glottal Source Cepstrum Coefficients Applied to NIST SRE 2010

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    Through the present paper, a novel feature set for speaker recognition based on glottal estimate information is presented. An iterative algorithm is used to derive the vocal tract and glottal source estimations from speech signal. In order to test the importance of glottal source information in speaker characterization, the novel feature set has been tested in the 2010 NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation (NIST SRE10). The proposed system uses glottal estimate parameter templates and classical cepstral information to build a model for each speaker involved in the recognition process. ALIZE [1] open-source software has been used to create the GMM models for both background and target speakers. Compared to using mel-frequency cepstrum coefficients (MFCC), the misclassification rate for the NIST SRE 2010 reduced from 29.43% to 27.15% when glottal source features are use

    FPGA Implementation of an Adaptive Noise Canceller for Robust Speech Enhancement Interfaces

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    This paper describes the design and implementation results of an adaptive Noise Canceller useful for the construction of Robust Speech Enhancement Interfaces. The algorithm being used has very good performance for real time applications. Its main disadvantage is the requirement of calculating several operations of division, having a high computational cost. Besides that, the accuracy of the algorithm is critical in fixed-point representation due to the wide range of the upper and lower bounds of the variables implied in the algorithm. To solve this problem, the accuracy is studied and according to the results obtained a specific word-length has been adopted for each variable. The algorithm has been implemented for Altera and Xilinx FPGAs using high level synthesis tools. The results for a fixed format of 40 bits for all the variables and for a specific word-length for each variable are analyzed and discussed

    Bio-inspired broad-class phonetic labelling

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    Recent studies have shown that the correct labeling of phonetic classes may help current Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) when combined with classical parsing automata based on Hidden Markov Models (HMM).Through the present paper a method for Phonetic Class Labeling (PCL) based on bio-inspired speech processing is described. The methodology is based in the automatic detection of formants and formant trajectories after a careful separation of the vocal and glottal components of speech and in the operation of CF (Characteristic Frequency) neurons in the cochlear nucleus and cortical complex of the human auditory apparatus. Examples of phonetic class labeling are given and the applicability of the method to Speech Processing is discussed

    Glottal-Source Spectral Biometry for Voice Characterization

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    The biometric signature derived from the estimation of the power spectral density singularities of a speaker’s glottal source is described in the present work. This consists in the collection of peak-trough profiles found in the spectral density, as related to the biomechanics of the vocal folds. Samples of parameter estimations from a set of 100 normophonic (pathology-free) speakers are produced. Mapping the set of speaker’s samples to a manifold defined by Principal Component Analysis and clustering them by k-means in terms of the most relevant principal components shows the separation of speakers by gender. This means that the proposed signature conveys relevant speaker’s metainformation, which may be useful in security and forensic applications for which contextual side information is considered relevant

    Bio-inspired Dynamic Formant Tracking for Phonetic Labelling

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    It is a known fact that phonetic labeling may be relevant in helping current Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) when combined with classical parsing systems as HMM's by reducing the search space. Through the present paper a method for Phonetic Broad-Class Labeling (PCL) based on speech perception in the high auditory centers is described. The methodology is based in the operation of CF (Characteristic Frequency) and FM (Frequency Modulation) neurons in the cochlear nucleus and cortical complex of the human auditory apparatus in the automatic detection of formants and formant dynamics on speech. Results obtained informant detection and dynamic formant tracking are given and the applicability of the method to Speech Processing is discussed

    A Hybrid Parameterization Technique for Speaker Identification

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    Classical parameterization techniques for Speaker Identification use the codification of the power spectral density of raw speech, not discriminating between articulatory features produced by vocal tract dynamics (acoustic-phonetics) from glottal source biometry. Through the present paper a study is conducted to separate voicing fragments of speech into vocal and glottal components, dominated respectively by the vocal tract transfer function estimated adaptively to track the acoustic-phonetic sequence of the message, and by the glottal characteristics of the speaker and the phonation gesture. The separation methodology is based in Joint Process Estimation under the un-correlation hypothesis between vocal and glottal spectral distributions. Its application on voiced speech is presented in the time and frequency domains. The parameterization methodology is also described. Speaker Identification experiments conducted on 245 speakers are shown comparing different parameterization strategies. The results confirm the better performance of decoupled parameterization compared against approaches based on plain speech parameterization

    Glottal Parameter Estimation by Wavelet Transform for Voice Biometry

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    Voice biometry is classically based on the parameterization and patterning of speech features mainly. The present approach is based on the characterization of phonation features instead (glottal features). The intention is to reduce intra-speaker variability due to the `text'. Through the study of larynx biomechanics it may be seen that the glottal correlates constitute a family of 2-nd order gaussian wavelets. The methodology relies in the extraction of glottal correlates (the glottal source) which are parameterized using wavelet techniques. Classification and pattern matching was carried out using Gaussian Mixture Models. Data of speakers from a balanced database and NIST SRE HASR2 were used in verification experiments. Preliminary results are given and discussed

    Glottal Biometric Features: Are Pathological Voice Studies appliable to Voice Biometry?

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    The purpose of the present paper is to introduce a methodology successfully used already in voice pathology detection for its possible adaptation to biometric speaker characterization as well. For such, the behavior of the same GMM classifiers used in the detection of pathology will be exploited. The work will show specific cases derived from running speech typically used in NIST contests against a Universal Background Model built from the population of normophonic subjects in specific vs general evaluation paradigms. Results are contrasted against a set of impostors derived from the same population of normophonic subjects. The relevance of the parameters used in the study will also be discusse

    Articulatory Feature Detection based on Cognitive Speech Perception

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    Cognitive Speech Perception is a field of growing interest as far as studies in cognitive sciences have advanced during the last decades helping in providing better descriptions on neural processes taking place in sound processing by the Auditory System and the Auditory Cortex. This knowledge may be applied to design new bio-inspired paradigms in the processing of speech sounds in Speech Sciences, especially in Articulatory Phonetics, but in many others as well, as Emotion Detection, Speaker’s Characterization, etc. The present paper reviews some basic facts already established in Speech Perception and the corresponding paradigms under which these may be used in designing new algorithms to detect Articulatory (Phonetic) Features in speech sounds which may be later used in Speech Labelling, Phonetic Characterization or other similar tasks